
Flask uses templates to render HTML pages. As defined in the Flask documentation, templates are files that contain static data as well as placeholders for dynamic data. The templates folder contains HTML files.

I also use the templates folder to save markdown files. Pages with a lot of writing are easy to create in Markdown. Python has a markdown module which can easily convert markdown to HTML. Within the Flask routing function, I use the markdown module to translate the file into HTML, and then insert that HTML into the template.

import markdown

f = open('App/templates/blog.md', encoding="utf8")
lines = f.read()

text = markdown.markdown(lines)


Some of your resources may have different pages for different routes. Let’s say you have a Blog resource. The URL for adding a new blog post is likely different from the URL for viewing existing blog posts. The templates for the different routes can be saved in the same folder:

├── blog
|  ├── new.html
|  ├── edit.html